Eudora Pro Direct Ordering Options

You can order Eudora Pro in any of the following ways:
  • Snail Mail: Print the Order Form and complete it, then mail it to:
    Single-user package orders:
      Eudora Department #505
      P.O. Box 120
      Buffalo, New York 14207-0120
    Multiple-user package orders:
      QUALCOMM Incorporated
      Eudora Division
      6455 Lusk Boulevard
      San Diego, CA 92121-2779

  • Fax: Print the Order Form and complete it, then Fax it to the appropriate number:
    Single-user package orders
      (716) 873-0906
    Multiple-user package orders
      (619) 658-1500 Attn: Eudora Sales Administration

  • Phone: Call the Eudora Sales Hotline at (800) 2-Eudora or
    (619) 658-1291 and all information will be taken by a sales administrator.

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